Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Views from the Nosebleeds: 2016 NFL Regular Season, Week 16

With Christmas now in the rear view mirror, this introduction could easily qualify as a "Plus/Minus Take of the Week".  The plus: football fanatics everywhere were treated to a Christmas Eve full of football; it was like being able to open presents at midnight instead of waiting until 9 a.m. long after Santa done crawled his dusty behind back up with milk in his mustache and Christmas cookie crumbs in his beard.  The minus: although they had two pivotal division matchups with playoff implications--one being in prime time--they had to sacrifice most of Christmas Day to the NBA.  Either way, outside of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and spending time with family and friends, there aren't too many other things I'd rather do than watch football on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  For some teams--as well as some coaches and GMs who will get their pink slips before Black Monday--jolly old St. Nick had lumps of coal.  However, if you were like the first team featured in this week's edition, then you felt like you got straight As and minded your manners at the 11th hour...

Scribbler's Shameless Plug of the Month: "The Grinch Part 2"

When Gladiator, Ransom Rellic and my alter ego twin A.J. Throwback got together the first time around for "The Grinch...A Christmas Story" back in 2010, it was a zany ride passing the mic from a grumpy grinch with some perspective to the cooler head prevailing to the co-signing misfit encouraging the grinch's behavior with some mischief of his own.  Fast forward six years later and the trio is back at it again with a sequel which could've easily made the soundtrack to Office Christmas Party, abandoning any form of "good tidings" for an even crazier set of strategically-placed-mistletoe-and-spiked-eggnog-ready tales.  To stream and/or download "The Grinch Part 2", please visit https://ajthrowback.bandcamp.com/track/the-grinch-part-2.  If you like or love what you hear, then PLEASE share your thoughts in the comments and PLEASE spread the word!  Thanks to everybody for your support in advance!!!