Friday, March 1, 2013

Scribbler's Throwback of the Week: War, "Galaxy"

So remember the "Been Around the World" video where Puff Daddy and J. Lo quite possibly ignited their much-documented romantic history with a dance for the Shiny Suit Rap ages?  Yeah...this was the song playing--a gem delivered by the legendary Long Beach, California funk band from their 1977 album, Galaxy.  The opening bass line alone may be one of the nastiest introductions to ever grace a song--and I wouldn't be surprised if Rick James was inspired by that same movement when composing "Give It To Me Baby."  Not to mention that the marriage of the bass, the piano chords and the percussion is signature War, but on a different tip because it rhythmically makes minced meat out of most disco records of its time.  So if you find yourself listening to this and decide to tap into your inner Diddy or Jenny From the Block, I promise that I will not judge your face.

Scribbler's Highlight of the Week: Blake Griffin...And One, Son

So since I'll be sharing sonically-pleasant favorites once a week, I have to get on my Warner Wolf and "go to the videotape" as well.  Thus, the "Scribbler's Highlight of the Week" is born.  Usually, I'll feature a spectular sports play--mainly because I live vicariously through athletes since I'm probably the least athletically-inclined member of my father's side of the family for this generation--but don't be surprised if it's just something funny, swaggerific or just flat-out random as a mugg.  With that said, on to the inaugural feature...