Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Scribbler's 2-for-1 Tuesday Special: Into the Spring of Things

Ah, the spring...my favorite season of all.  All that's missing is some Antonio Vivaldi.  However, what always trips me out about the Vernal Equinox aka "The First Day of Spring" is that it rarely feels like spring, and Sunday proved that as it was snowing in certain parts of the East Coast.  Nonetheless, I was ecstatic to know that winter--which oddly enough was my favorite season as a kid--was taking all of the hats, gloves and booties with it.  As was the case, I was on my way to work yesterday and realized that I still hadn't figured out my "Rave & Favorite Five" for today--despite having literally typed out a nine-pages-and-counting document of bullet-point ideas that should keep this series going for at least the next year and a half.  Suddenly, seeing the sun high in the sky and knowing that the weather was about to gradually get warmer, it's like God gave me an alley-oop for an off-script concept.  Hence, I present to you my five favorite things about spring.  So as some of you are dreading having to buy stock in Claritin and Allegra over the next month or two, allow me to share what makes spring so awesome in this "2-for-1 Tuesday Special" of my "Rave & Favorite Five" as well as the "11th Hour Post of the Week".  (I know that my continuous generosity is more than you can handle, but try to contain yourself there, buckaroo.)  Just try not to hock too loudly or sneeze too disgustingly on your smartphone, tablet or computer screen as your allergies flare up at the thought of this first thing...

The American President: Donald Trump & The Societal Exposé, Part 2

Whether we choose to admit it or not, America loves a trash talker--whether that love is actually loving the person's platform or loving to hate everything for which they represent.  When someone gets our blood boiling, it gives us a reason to get out of bed in the morning to stand against their flawed system of values with our best devised strategies or just to punch him or her in the mouth one good time.  Even if we aren't able to do that for lack of toughness, tangibility or bail money, the drama starter nevertheless makes for more of an intriguing piece of scuttlebutt than someone who avoids controversy like the plague.  In Part 1 of this four-part series, "America the Divided," I delved into America's historic separatism and how Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is merely a cog in the systematic machine of racial, religious, gender and other forms of cultural and political separation.  Serving as a perfect segue to this week's installment of "The American President: Donald Trump & The Societal Exposé", I continue in my assertions that while Trump's blustering rhetoric appears to be nothing more than disunifying rabble-rousing, his tactics are not germane to one particular group of people who superficially look, sound, act or think like him...