Last year, I posted an in-depth summary of the 55th Grammy Awards. Yeah...totally not going on and on about Pharrell's faux pas with those ranger hats; Jay-Z's "I wanna thank God, but only a little bit" statement taken way out of proportion; or Katy Perry becoming the newest member of the Illuminati. In the illustrious words of Chester Cheetah, "Yasss, we know." However, a bigger topic that jumped out at me is the whole issue of Kendrick Lamar getting shut out of winning any awards. Many people have turned this into a "battle" between him and Macklemore--which is silly because the two artists are actually in contact with and respect each other. Now I can't speak too much on the Seattle rap artist or proclaim to be a fan of his because I've only heard like three of his songs--I do like "Same Love" a lot--but I do plan on listening toThe Heist to make a more sound judgment and, if necessary, comparison. Nevertheless, I've come to four major conclusions about this whole situation--none of which lean toward Kendrick getting "robbed".