Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Scribbler's Rave & Favorite Five: Ninetysomething Days of Summer, #3 Summer of '92

As I neared the conclusion of writing the third part of the "Ninetysomething Days of Summer" edition, I realized 1992 could've easily been higher on this list.  Although the summer of 1993 felt more like a coming-of-age season, the summer of '92 provided an ample foundation as it was the first all-around dope summer I ever experienced in twelve-years-and-75-cents of life.  However, perhaps the biggest snub on this countdown could've been enough to propel this summer higher on the list: Boomerang.  Now I could gush over how dope the soundtrack was--more on that later--but the movie was such a huge deal because of how much Black star power was involved between Eddie Murphy, Robin Givens, Halle Berry, Lela Rochon, Grace Jones, David Alan Grier, Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock, Tisha Campbell and the late, greats Eartha Kitt and Geoffrey Holder.  Not to mention that after much pleading, Big Dadi Scribbler took me to see it on opening day--although we  missed all of the previews (a moviegoer no-no) and narrowly made it in time.  Despite no movie of that summer making as much of a dent in my memory bank as Boomerang, it still has a hard time beating these five reasons pleading the case for the summer of '92...